Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Sitcom

Sitcoms provide a story that is usually told from episode to episode, are mainly comedic in nature, and have a set of reoccurring characters.  All of these aspects provide the audience with a sense of familiarity that in all makes the viewers want to come back, the sitcoms leave the viewer wanting more by making a comfortable atmosphere and not to mention all of the situations that flow from episode to episode that keep reeling the viewer back in.

The sitcom delivers a lot to the viewer by being episodic.  What comes with being episodic are stories that has issues or situations that is brought up that usually resolved; by doing this it creates an instant attention grabber that makes the viewer need to see how this issue or problem plays out and mostly this want for closure is delivered, because in sitcoms by the end of the episode there is usually a resolution provided which gives the audience their desired closure.  By making the sitcom comedic in nature it provides a light and comfortable experience to the viewer, it gives the audience an escape from reality by providing outlandish and laughable situations.  Furthermore by using a reoccurring set of characters the sense of familiarity and comfortability is even more supported because in the viewers mind they get to know these characters on almost an intimate level.

I can confirm everyone of these beliefs because I have these feelings towards The Big Bang Theory.  In this sitcom I find myself always wanting more.  I need to know what Sheldon and Leonard are going to do next. I am captivated to know if Leonard and Penny will ever work out in a relationship and most importantly I need to know what antics Raj and especially Howard will bring to the table.  I have become drawn in by the nature of the sitcom.  I feel at times when discussing the show that I know these characters as if they where my own friends and that is because the sitcom has accomplished its task, it has drawn me into this made up world of fantastical and down right hilarious situations that keep me coming back episode to episode and season to season.

It is amazing how a sitcom can create such a comfortable and light feeling in a viewer by delivering episodically, being comedic, and using a set of reoccurring characters.  I relate to these concepts because I have become enthralled into the show The Big Bang Theory.  The nature of the sitcom is what keeps people coming back, it has withstood since the past and will gloriously prosper into the future.

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