Sunday, September 12, 2010

Framing in Media

Framing in media is commonplace. It does not matter what area of the media you look at, there will always be someone framing and manipulating what they want the masses to take out of it. The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of how someone frames the stereotype of how “geeks” or “nerds” are perceived.

Media is manipulated to convey the messages or intentions of those in charge. Naturally framing is a key tool of a so called gate-keeper so, they can set up a situation in a way they want people to see it. By framing it sets up a barrier to the opposition of these gate-keepers and allows for the set up of a context in which framers believe or how they think society as a whole thinks.

In The Big Bang Theory the writers play with the stereotype of how the genius minds or for lack of a better term “nerds” act. The show portrays the sci-fi adoring, comic book loving, and socially awkward attributes that society has tied to being well, ridiculously smart. The characters in the show have been framed in this way, now by no means is this how all people with a high level of intelligence act; there are a number of people who enjoy sci-fi, comic books, and that are socially awkward that have average to below average IQ’s but that is not what the people are intended to see. That is how it is, one could also bring up the stereotype attributed to the character Penny, and she is seen as a ditsy blonde girl who has aspirations to be an actress and has a wild night life. These stereotypes are all a part of the framing of the heads of the show; it is not reality but a perceived reality.

Framing is a tool used to portray the perceptions of those in charge. The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of the stereotypes of the characteristics of the highly intelligent and the stereotype of the cute blonde girl. Maybe it is because of the blatant use of these stereotypes that make this show as funny and popular as it is, but the point is that framing is used and keeps the stereotypes perpetuating.

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