Sunday, November 7, 2010

The power of advertising... is brought to you by (insert prominent brand here)

Advertising is one of the greatest tools of industries today. It has the power to insight feelings and connections with viewers. Ads that I find to be effective and quite memorable are Sony's "Dear Playstation" ads featuring Kevin Butler.

In Sony's Playstation 3 ads Kevin Butler plays a VP of a fictitious department based off the subject of the ad, where he responds to different people that have questions for Playstation. In one specific ad, Kevin is conversing with a man who is asking if putting down playing a video game as management experience is a good idea for his resume. Kevin confirms that it is a good idea by describing the in's and out's of the game. In the end it turns out that this man is actually applying for Kevin's job which makes it very funny and enjoyable to watch. This ad is successful because it plays to the appeals of he affiliation to young male gamers through its use of comedy. The ad creates a light and comfortable mood through humor that helps it to relate to the audience.

By creating an affiliation, the audience is more open to the brand. The audience does not feel intruded upon by the ad but, instead relates to the ad and its message. The ad then becomes easy to draw back on as well as spread by the viewer because of its success in making a connection or associating itself with the viewers interests. Sony does a remarkable job with this ad, because me being a part of the target market, can recall the message and the brand easily. I also find that I am not only eager to watch them as they appear on TV but, I actively search out these commercials so I can re-watch them.

The use of advertising in media is a must because of the possibility of retention in the minds of the audience. Sony, through its "Dear Playstation" campaign has successfully created an appeal of affiliation with its target market. The ad uses situations that are humorous which create a pleasant and memorable watching experience for the viewer. The successful use of advertising creates a relationship between the brand and consumers that can insure that in the consumers mind, that Playstation is the way to go.

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