Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time to think Global

Globalization in media is about connecting people, their cultures, and their countries through advancements in technology.  There are many benefits through globalization that are astounding that ranges from technology to economic.  There may even be strong political benefits in the form of alliances that stems from a better understanding and appreciation of different cultures. because it allows for more opportunities and advancement in society. There is a multitude of concepts that are important like: cultural imperialism, transnationalization, regionalization, and nationalization.  But what I feel is the most important concept derived from globalization is hybridization.

Hybridization is the key aspect of globalization.  It facilitates the coming together of diverse cultures across the globe as well as the creation of new cultures.  This interaction makes the sharing of culture easier.  Ideas and traditions can come together and open up opportunities for greater understanding and translation to the vast amount of diverse cultures that exist across the earth.

The acceptance or endorsment of a different culture does not mean that one culture or nation abandons their own culture, what it means is that an idea is taken in and adapted upon.  A perfect example is seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire, where the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire is adopted and adapted on for the Indian culture.  The concept was from the United States and then fashioned by India to fit their culture.  For instance when Jamal is asked a questions about a statement that appears on the Indian flag, a cricket player, a famous Indian actor, etc.  These are all questions that reflect the Indian culture and traditions.

Globalization brings differing people and cultures together.  It effectively does this through many concepts like hybridization, which is the merging of cultures to create a new shared culture.  The important thing is to adapt and not forget, for the idea is not to abandon existing cultures but to bring them together to form better understandings and new opportunities.

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