Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time to think Global

Globalization in media is about connecting people, their cultures, and their countries through advancements in technology.  There are many benefits through globalization that are astounding that ranges from technology to economic.  There may even be strong political benefits in the form of alliances that stems from a better understanding and appreciation of different cultures. because it allows for more opportunities and advancement in society. There is a multitude of concepts that are important like: cultural imperialism, transnationalization, regionalization, and nationalization.  But what I feel is the most important concept derived from globalization is hybridization.

Hybridization is the key aspect of globalization.  It facilitates the coming together of diverse cultures across the globe as well as the creation of new cultures.  This interaction makes the sharing of culture easier.  Ideas and traditions can come together and open up opportunities for greater understanding and translation to the vast amount of diverse cultures that exist across the earth.

The acceptance or endorsment of a different culture does not mean that one culture or nation abandons their own culture, what it means is that an idea is taken in and adapted upon.  A perfect example is seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire, where the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire is adopted and adapted on for the Indian culture.  The concept was from the United States and then fashioned by India to fit their culture.  For instance when Jamal is asked a questions about a statement that appears on the Indian flag, a cricket player, a famous Indian actor, etc.  These are all questions that reflect the Indian culture and traditions.

Globalization brings differing people and cultures together.  It effectively does this through many concepts like hybridization, which is the merging of cultures to create a new shared culture.  The important thing is to adapt and not forget, for the idea is not to abandon existing cultures but to bring them together to form better understandings and new opportunities.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The power of advertising... is brought to you by (insert prominent brand here)

Advertising is one of the greatest tools of industries today. It has the power to insight feelings and connections with viewers. Ads that I find to be effective and quite memorable are Sony's "Dear Playstation" ads featuring Kevin Butler.

In Sony's Playstation 3 ads Kevin Butler plays a VP of a fictitious department based off the subject of the ad, where he responds to different people that have questions for Playstation. In one specific ad, Kevin is conversing with a man who is asking if putting down playing a video game as management experience is a good idea for his resume. Kevin confirms that it is a good idea by describing the in's and out's of the game. In the end it turns out that this man is actually applying for Kevin's job which makes it very funny and enjoyable to watch. This ad is successful because it plays to the appeals of he affiliation to young male gamers through its use of comedy. The ad creates a light and comfortable mood through humor that helps it to relate to the audience.

By creating an affiliation, the audience is more open to the brand. The audience does not feel intruded upon by the ad but, instead relates to the ad and its message. The ad then becomes easy to draw back on as well as spread by the viewer because of its success in making a connection or associating itself with the viewers interests. Sony does a remarkable job with this ad, because me being a part of the target market, can recall the message and the brand easily. I also find that I am not only eager to watch them as they appear on TV but, I actively search out these commercials so I can re-watch them.

The use of advertising in media is a must because of the possibility of retention in the minds of the audience. Sony, through its "Dear Playstation" campaign has successfully created an appeal of affiliation with its target market. The ad uses situations that are humorous which create a pleasant and memorable watching experience for the viewer. The successful use of advertising creates a relationship between the brand and consumers that can insure that in the consumers mind, that Playstation is the way to go.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 3-Act Structure

The classical 3-act play is alive and well in Hollywood.  This system sets up the storyline perfectly by introducing the viewer into the story, presenting a conflict, and ultimately in the ending reaching a conclusion.  This structure is apparent in many films like in The Wizard of Oz where the story utilizes the 3-act structure to effectively tell a story.

To start off in the 3-Act structure of film making there is act one.  Here the story starts; it reveals the basics to the audience such as setting and who the characters are.  For instance, in The Wizard of Oz the viewers are brought into a small Kansas farm where they meet Dorothy, Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and the men who work on the farm.  These people as they are introduced are foreshadowing for the characters in act two. This time is spent for the main character to converse with others where some issue is revealed. Then, there will be some event or point which moves the story forward.  In the case of The Wizard of Oz it is when the Tornado hits the small farm.  This is a plot point and it is important because it is the transition from the first to second act.

In the second act, the focus is on the main conflict that was indicated on in act one.  The audience is made aware of the entire goings on and what tasks must be done to reach a resolution.  In the case of The Wizard of Oz this is when Dorothy arrives in Oz and is met by the Glinda who delivers instructions on how to reach the wizard so, Dorothy can get back home.  Also, this is when Dorothy meets her traveling companions, The Scarecrow, Tin Man, and The Cowardly Lion who facilitate Dorothy in achieving her quest. Many tasks arise that make up a large part of the story until another plot point is reached.  For Dorothy it is when she has her encounter with the wizard and is left behind to only have Glinda tell her to click her heels and says "There's no place like home".  The transition then finally begins to the conclusion.

In act three, the characters have finally reached the conclusion of their quest.  The resolution to the conflict set up in the previous act is delivered upon.  This is where Dorothy wakes up at home to her family watching over her lovingly and explaining all that had happened.  The happily ever after moment is reached and all is well in act three.

The 3-Act structure is a long used and perfect system in delivering a complete story filled with an introduction, a conflict, and a conclusion.  This format is used by many Hollywood films like The Wizard of Oz for its flow, where devices like plot points are used to transition from act to act and keep the story moving cohesively.  This is the structure that everyone grew up with when they were being read a story, watching their favorite hero, and in this case watching a full-length film with a heartwarming ending.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Sitcom

Sitcoms provide a story that is usually told from episode to episode, are mainly comedic in nature, and have a set of reoccurring characters.  All of these aspects provide the audience with a sense of familiarity that in all makes the viewers want to come back, the sitcoms leave the viewer wanting more by making a comfortable atmosphere and not to mention all of the situations that flow from episode to episode that keep reeling the viewer back in.

The sitcom delivers a lot to the viewer by being episodic.  What comes with being episodic are stories that has issues or situations that is brought up that usually resolved; by doing this it creates an instant attention grabber that makes the viewer need to see how this issue or problem plays out and mostly this want for closure is delivered, because in sitcoms by the end of the episode there is usually a resolution provided which gives the audience their desired closure.  By making the sitcom comedic in nature it provides a light and comfortable experience to the viewer, it gives the audience an escape from reality by providing outlandish and laughable situations.  Furthermore by using a reoccurring set of characters the sense of familiarity and comfortability is even more supported because in the viewers mind they get to know these characters on almost an intimate level.

I can confirm everyone of these beliefs because I have these feelings towards The Big Bang Theory.  In this sitcom I find myself always wanting more.  I need to know what Sheldon and Leonard are going to do next. I am captivated to know if Leonard and Penny will ever work out in a relationship and most importantly I need to know what antics Raj and especially Howard will bring to the table.  I have become drawn in by the nature of the sitcom.  I feel at times when discussing the show that I know these characters as if they where my own friends and that is because the sitcom has accomplished its task, it has drawn me into this made up world of fantastical and down right hilarious situations that keep me coming back episode to episode and season to season.

It is amazing how a sitcom can create such a comfortable and light feeling in a viewer by delivering episodically, being comedic, and using a set of reoccurring characters.  I relate to these concepts because I have become enthralled into the show The Big Bang Theory.  The nature of the sitcom is what keeps people coming back, it has withstood since the past and will gloriously prosper into the future.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm ready for my close-up... long shot and medium shot.

Within films there are many different strategies directors use to convey the emotion and feeling of a specific scene or event.  The use of long-shot, medium-shot, and close-up are techniques used to explain and elicit certain ideas and thoughts from the audience so, they become more involved in the scene.  Ridley Scott uses these techniques in his film Gladiator to achieve the desired experience.

 The type of shot that is used in filming is a unique and subtle technique used to draw out and stimulate thoughts from their audience.  The use of long-shot is usually used to give the audience a sense of what is going on in the scene.  It gives the viewer a basic idea/blueprint of the goings on.  Long-shot can start to evoke the viewers thoughts based on the vast amount of what they see or do not see.  In the case of Gladiator, long-shot is used to show off the Roman coliseum.  In doing this it not only give a place but to demonstrate Rome's power and prominence.  The audience can also see the gladiator games and the brutality which also foreshadows for the viewer of things to come. 

Then there is medium-shot which is used to bring in the viewer, to verify who and what.  It speaks to the standing of a character or characters and what role they play.  Looking back to Gladiator, there is a medium-shot of the main character Maximus coming out of a tunnel into the floor of the coliseum, where through the shot the viewer gets a feel of his might and power, which is attributed to by the use of low angle which gives the character more prominence and regard.  Maximus is also being showered by flower petals which show the admiration and favor the people have for him.  It is because of the medium-shot that makes this context available.  Finally is the use of close-up, which gives a very intimate view of a character or situation.  It is very detailed in its description of how the character is feeling; it lets you into their immediate state.  In Gladiator the close-up on Maximus after Ceasar provokes and taunts him about the death of his family, the horrific memory is written on his face, his sadness is easily seen and felt in the close-up.

Much can be said through the use of different shots.  The description of place, regard, feeling, etc. can be expressed through the shots set up.  In Gladiator the use of these shot techniques delivered much more than the script could do alone, it gave an in depth sense to the viewer so, it could connect deeper.  These tools, ticks, techniques or whatever one calls them are effective and important in making a truly great film.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Market Control

The heyday of the Hollywood film industry was astounding for its size and power but, how did it become that way?  What was it about the studio system that created such power?  The answer is market control.  Through market control, the big film companies had command over what was done and seen.

                The arrival of the studio system made everything easy for studios; every step was in a single place and under the studio’s control.  The market control of the studios was a critical aspect in the studio system.  With control of the entire market the studios were able to make every decision.  The studios owned most of the theaters where they showed what they wanted which usually meant any film that directly benefited themselves.  The big studios even worked together where they would show each other’s films in their theaters as well as share their stars.  The decisions were in their hands whether it is about where the films were sent out or how they were produced it was all done under the studio’s wants.  Because of this, the studios produce any film they wanted.  Since they had control of the theaters, they had all the say in what films were made and seen.  The films reflected the interests of the studios.  This does not mean that the studios ignored the audience but it does mean they had a lot of room with how much of the audience feedback and wants they saw as relevant or useful.  From this complete control, it kept all of competition.  There was no way for their productions to be sent out or seen.  This caused a great deal of concern and displeasure by those on the outside and eventually led to legislative action.
                In the 1940’s the federal government filed suit on the actions of the big production studios.  The federal government took notice of the unfair practices on the part of the studios and their control of the theaters.  The decision was made that the studios had to let go of their hold of the theaters, they could no longer have possession of their own theaters.  This decision played a key role in the ensuing drop off of the film industry.
                Market control is an aspect of the studio system that defined the film industry’s success at the time.  It put all decisions and power in the hands of the studios.  This led to the studios mainly serving their own interests as well as keeping competition out.  What was seen by audiences at the time was a direct view of what the studios wanted to portray.  With all of this going on a suit was filed by the U.S. federal government which led to the studios giving up their ties to movie theaters.  It is obvious to see how through the big studios control of the many aspects of the market how the film industry became so powerful and profitable but, ultimately this led to their huge loss in control.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh the times are changing... kind of

In the show "All in the Family" the main character Archie Bunker, who is very conservative and stubborn to the changing times, reacts negatively to homosexuality.  This was not new but the times were changing and ideas of the old world were being shattered by reality.  Today the case is very different, in fact so different from that of Norman Lear’s time that some 30 odd years later homosexuality is so generally accepted that shows like “Modern Family” can poke fun at it and not be considered homophobic or prejudice.
            The differences in the shows “All in the Family” and “Modern Family” is that in the time “All in the Family” was aired, it was very radical idea to bring up the topic of sexual orientation let alone make fun of the old time conservative mindset. Today in “Modern Family”, it is no longer considered radical, but instead so commonplace that when the topic is made fun of it is understood that there is no ill will or malice behind it.


The father, Jay Pritchett in “Modern Family” is different from Archie Bunker yet still holds a small sense of that uneasiness that is displayed by Bunker.  This is seen in his subtle reactions to his son and his partner in some of the ways they act.  Still the attitude is not as off-putting as it is depicted and made fun of in “All in the Family”, but maybe this is done intentionally by the writer and/or director to continue to make fun of that insecurity and mindset that Archie Bunker had.  Unlike in "All in the Family", "Modern Family" also makes fun of the homosexual couple.  As stated before, these two programs deal with the issue in two very different times and contexts, yet still depict small comparisons even after all the years.
“All in the Family” and “Modern Family” are different in that one deals with homosexuality in a time where it was very radical to do so and in the other the idea of being homosexual is so generally accepted that when it is used in comedy there is no malice intended and no backlash for being homophobic.  Even still, with a greater acceptance and time in between, a prejudice exists for the show “Modern Family” to address the mindset of the past and make fun of it just as “All in the Family” did to show  how foolish that manner is.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Technology and the development of radio.

            The development of technology was the greatest impact to radio.  Without the improvements on the technological front there would have been no government regulation, audience demand, or any real focus on the capabilities of radio.
            Technological change is evolution; it is the forward movement of accessibility and understanding.  Radio became the center of society’s attention and continues to captivate people today with facets that can fulfill the needs of the user.  The development of technology created opportunities for radio’s use and reach that left many in awe.  The progression of technology has the strong argument of being the driving force in the attention it had and continues to have.

            The development of radio technology was such a great force that it captivated and enthralled the attention of society.  With the advancement of radio’s reach brought upon by Marconi, radio quickly became an intriguing device that caught not only the attention of the people but of the government, enough so that the government felt the need to regulate it for a time.  The people had strong ties to the programs on the radio that acted as a source of news, sports, entertainment, etc.  The radio to a family in the 1920’s was a form of escape as well as a tool that brought families together.  The important fact to remember is that without the developments not only of Marconi but those of Edwin Armstrong and FM radio, David Sarnoff and the development of commercial radio, network broadcasting and standardized programming, etc.
            Without the change in radio technology there would not have been the large amount of concern and want that ensued.  Many great minds sculpted radio into a tool used in a wide array of areas.  Radio is defined by technological change.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Media's effect on society

Does media create the mindset of the masses?   Does the media have the power to influence the behaviors of society?  Well, yes. The fact is that many messages are passed from the multiple facets of media to the minds of the people.  The media effect, which the Media Issue textbook defines as changes in knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors resulting from media exposure, creates a so-called blueprint of how people feel they should behave. 
                In the screening that included the documentaries “Killing Us Softly” and “Tough Guise”, the concept of media effect is the topic of discussion.  In each of the films Jean Kilbourne and Jackson Katz describes the media’s effect on society’s beliefs.  In the first film “Killing Us Softly” Jean Kilbourne describes how the media’s portrayal of women through advertising has had a negative effect on women of all ages.  The images show unrealistic images of “beauty” as well as women acting submissive and inferior within the advertisements.  Kilbourne uses these examples to show how powerful, and possibly destructive, the media effect is on women of every age.   
The same message is being stressed to the aggressive behavior transferred to men through media in “Tough Guise”.   In the film, Jackson Katz speaks on the transference of a “tough guise” to males in society through the messages and images in the media.  Males asked in the film said that to be a man you had to be tough, strong, mean, etc.  This has led to males believing that behaving in an aggressive and violent way is acceptable because media suggests that is how society is.  This has translated into shocking statistics that show high levels of violent crimes committed by males.  Media is not the only factor that influences society but it has sure signs of heavy influence.
  The TV effect
                Through the media effect of advertisements, television, films, and other media outlets has helped shape the attitudes of society.  “Killing Us Softly” and “Tough Guise” show many different examples of influential media that portray women being degraded and men being uncontrollable and violent.  The behavior of society is acting on a sensory level, where people absorb in the world around them and ultimately start to form beliefs based off this information, which could be an issue of concern if the documentaries are correct in there assumptions.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Framing in Media

Framing in media is commonplace. It does not matter what area of the media you look at, there will always be someone framing and manipulating what they want the masses to take out of it. The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of how someone frames the stereotype of how “geeks” or “nerds” are perceived.

Media is manipulated to convey the messages or intentions of those in charge. Naturally framing is a key tool of a so called gate-keeper so, they can set up a situation in a way they want people to see it. By framing it sets up a barrier to the opposition of these gate-keepers and allows for the set up of a context in which framers believe or how they think society as a whole thinks.

In The Big Bang Theory the writers play with the stereotype of how the genius minds or for lack of a better term “nerds” act. The show portrays the sci-fi adoring, comic book loving, and socially awkward attributes that society has tied to being well, ridiculously smart. The characters in the show have been framed in this way, now by no means is this how all people with a high level of intelligence act; there are a number of people who enjoy sci-fi, comic books, and that are socially awkward that have average to below average IQ’s but that is not what the people are intended to see. That is how it is, one could also bring up the stereotype attributed to the character Penny, and she is seen as a ditsy blonde girl who has aspirations to be an actress and has a wild night life. These stereotypes are all a part of the framing of the heads of the show; it is not reality but a perceived reality.

Framing is a tool used to portray the perceptions of those in charge. The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of the stereotypes of the characteristics of the highly intelligent and the stereotype of the cute blonde girl. Maybe it is because of the blatant use of these stereotypes that make this show as funny and popular as it is, but the point is that framing is used and keeps the stereotypes perpetuating.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I am taking RTF 305

I decided to take RTF 305 not only to fulfill some electives, which it does in great fashion, but also to explore an area that has always been a great interest of mine.  I want to discover the inner-workings of media, how and why it is possible as well as looking at how it has evolved over time.  What has influenced all of the vast and great changes in all areas of multimedia.  I also became intrigued because my dad worked in the field of television production and would constantly explain how much fun he had in the field, but he also drove the point home that having a good foundation in the fundamentals of media is beneficial to a wide array of professions outside media.  So, I believe that through this course I will be exposed to vital information, the vast amount of media channels, and endless sources of creativity and I am looking forward to it.

And about my favorite blog... well... I don't really follow or read any blog so, I am not sure what to put.